Our Environmental Policy
Our aim is to take responsibility on using the natural resources effectively to be able to provide sustainable environment.
Main objectives of our environmental policy:
- Being informed and being informative about the legal enviromental rules and obligations.
- To investigate and use the less harmful Technologies for the environment.
- Keeping environmental awareness during our constructional design and operating our business.
- Keeping our suppliers, co-workers, public, visitors and customers informed at all times about protecting the natural resources.
- Seperating and recycling waste at its source to be able to prevent minimize the possible polution.
- Taking actions to reduce our electric, water and oil consumption in order to constantly improve on our policy.
- Taking actions to prevent any health and safety hazards to be able to run a health, safety and enviromental circle in harmony.
We do our very best to reduce and minimize the possible harm to the enviroment and will continue to do so at all times.
Thank you very much in advance for all yours support and co-operation on this delicate matter.